A Proven Track Record of Excellence

Since going to my first drag race at Raceway Park in 1969, it wasn't the deafening roar of the dragster and funny cars that caught my attention. Rather, it was the colorful lettering on the cars that stayed in my mind. A passion for custom lettering and design was instilled in me at an early age.

So in 1979 I started Rich's Signs out my parents garage. I ran the whole gamut of signs, posters, banners, helmets - and anything else that needed lettering. Some 25 years later, Rich Designs focused its creative energy to truck lettering, graphic and logo design and business cards. Although I still do signs, the bulk of my work is made up vehicle lettering, of which, nearly 400 trucks pass through my shop each year.

Changing the Way You Look with Creative Designs

We have been designing logos and graphic designs for small and medium sized business, as well as some of the biggest names in the motorsports and transportation industry. My relentless commitment for creating original and cutting edge designs have introduced me to some of the biggest names in the automotive industry - from California, Idaho and Florida, as well as the Garden State (which has the dubious reputation of having the nicest designed and lettered trucks in the country.)

I am constantly in touch with all of these painters and designers, exchanging photos and ideas to keep all of my work fresh and on the cutting edge of color and design theory. It is this passion which has made Rich Designs one of the most respected names in truck lettering, logo design and signage.

I hope you like what you see in this website and allow us to create and establish an image for your business that you can be proud of, and your competition envious of.

Rich Designs